Providing Optimal Skin Rejuvenation
Many patients who suffer from superficial to deep wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damage can benefit from a CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation procedure. Dr. Hardesty and his team at Imagine Plastic Surgery trust this treatment to provide excellent resurfacing results for their patients with minimal to moderate downtime. At his Riverside office, Dr. Hardesty has been practicing for decade, helping his patients to imagine the difference their skin could have after undergoing this treatment.
What is CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation?
CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation is a traditional resurfacing treatment where 100% of the epidermal layer of skin is removed. This treatment encourages the production of collagen in the skin cells to provide healthy, glowing skin. Uniquely, the CO2RE laser can be precisely adjusted at different levels, various intensities, and using different patterns to target the desired dermal levels of the skin to provide the exact skin rejuvenation desired. Thus, CO2RE is a versatile laser, giving Dr. Hardesty the ability to treat patients both superficially and within deep skin layers simultaneously while maintaining precise control. Dr. Hardesty uses the CO2RE Skin Rejuvenation system because it provides both a fractionated mode and ablative mode. He wants to treat each patients’ needs and desires, which is why he offers many choices, “One Goal, Many Options”. He wants to make sure that he is providing his patients with the latest technology and best care.
The CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation Treatment
The most effective skin rejuvenation procedure that gives amazing results is the CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation Treatment is often the best option. The CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation treatment helps patients get rid of wrinkles, scars, and sun damage. This leaves you with radiant skin that you can feel good about. Dr. Hardesty will want to examine your skin and concerns in order to know if this is the best option for you. Dr. Hardesty will go over the procedure and what to expect from the treatments.
"After research and meeting with several Doctors I made the right choice when I decided to go with Imagine Plastic Surgery and Dr. Hardesty. He was very informative and I knew he had my best interest when it came to my procedure. The staff is also awesome! They are so nice and make you feel so comfortable. I will continue to use him for any future needs!" -Verified Google Review
What to Expect During the Procedure
Depending on the desired results and recommendations of Dr. Hardesty; patients typically receive topical anesthetic on the area. Often adding local anesthesia for additional pain relief. Dr. Hardesty will cleanse the area with antibacterial soap and water, then the treatment with the CO2RE Ablative device begins. Patients will hear a quick scan of the epidermal layer with each laser pulse and there will be an ablation occurring at a variety of intensities and depths depending on the desired results that you and Dr. Hardesty discussed during the consultation.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
For those who want a complete skin rejuvenation procedure in one session that will give the optimal results the CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation is for you. Since CO2RE is in the ablative mode the treatment allows for complete removal of the layer of photodamaged skin where treated. New collagen appears as the skin heals. The treatment options and plan will be created during your consultation with Dr. Hardesty. Usually one treatment is all that is needed to see marked improvements. Some individuals have a CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation Treatment every several years or sooner if needed.
CO2RE Ablative Skin Rejuvenation Recovery
To prepare you for the treatment, Dr. Hardesty will provide instructions for pre-treatment as well as post-treatment care. Patients will feel as if they have had an aggressive sunburn. Immediately post-treatment the patients will receive a cooling gel along with a cold compress. Patients will be encouraged to hydrate and use SFP 30+ to protect the skin from the sun and further damage. Patients will have, at least, 5-10 days of downtime to allow healing and the application of makeup.
CO2RE Ablative Frequently Asked Questions
Schedule a Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about skin rejuvenation options, then contact our Riverside office today. Dr. Hardesty and his team look forward to helping their patients feel beautiful by providing healthy, glowing skin. To make an appointment call the office, take our self-assessment survey, or fill out an online form.
What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
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