creating a firm, flat tummy through the beautiful body contouring artistry of robert hardesty, md
Many women after pregnancy can’t get rid of the “mommy bump”, loose skin, or stretch marks despite returning to their pre-pregnancy weight. Both men and women who have tried to lose stubborn diet-resistant belly fat through exercise and diet become discouraged and frustrated. Tummy tuck, medically referred to as Abdominoplasty, is a treatment option to help get rid of this excess skin and fat. Additionally, when we perform any of the variations of the Abdominoplasty, we always include liposuction of the flanks (where “muffin top” fat accumulation occurs). Thus, our procedures are more accurately called a Lipo-Abdominoplasty which helps you achieve the complete and desired abdominal and hip contours. This “Synergy” is reached from this combination of procedures. By providing different types of tummy tuck we fulfill our motto of, “One Goal, Many Options”. With Dr. Hardesty and the expert team at Imagine Plastic Surgery, you can finally feel your best and look your best.
What is a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck with liposuction helps to remove excess skin tissue, belly fat on the abdomen/flanks, contours the hip area, and tightens the separated/mispositioned abdominal muscles in one surgical procedure to create a sleek, flat abdomen and beautiful contours of the hips and flanks. Many people who have experienced childbirth, large amounts of weight loss, and bariatric surgery are left with excess skin that doesn’t shrink, return to normal, or go away through diet or exercise. In these cases, a surgical touch is needed to help rid yourself of that stubborn fat and excess skin. Dr. Hardesty is an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon and his combined techniques will ensure that your aesthetic goals are met.
Tummy Tuck Consultation
At your consultation appointment, Dr. Hardesty will review your past medical history, examine your abdomen, and explain his techniques, the various options, and what he deems as optimal for you. Dr. Hardesty will often use several techniques in conjunction with one another to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Depending on your physical exam, the appropriate technique to redefine the abdomen includes the following:
- Tighten separated abdominal muscles
- Remove excess fat and skin
- Reposition and stretch the abdominal skin and tissue
- Liposuction of the hips, flanks and the sides of the abdomen
- Insertion of a non-narcotic pain pump
"I chose Dr. Hardesty after searching for a plastic surgeon for a year. I felt his expertise and experience was top notch. During my consultation with Dr. Hardesty he was super patient, calm, and informative. I am 6 weeks post-op and very happy with my new body. Dr. Hardesty does a great job of telling you what to expect, reassuring everything is going as expected. I highly recommend Dr. Hardesty as you plastic surgeon - you will not be disappointed." -Verified Google Review
Before & After
Customize Your Figure: Tummy Tuck Procedure Options
Depending on your desired aesthetic goals as well as the amount and location of excess skin and fatty tissue you have, the procedure technique will vary. Thus, fulfilling our motto of, “One Goal, Many Options”. With all variations of the tummy tuck surgical procedures, Dr. Hardesty will usually make the incision as low on the abdomen as possible, which is designed to be hidden by a bathing suit or panties. This incision allows the removal of the excess fat and skin tissue as well as tightening of the separated muscles. Thus, unwanted fat and loose skin is permanently removed. Dr. Hardesty will then liposuction the flanks and will re-drape and tightly stretch the skin to fit your body’s new and natural contours.
After a consultation with Dr. Hardesty, he will help to make a unique treatment plan for you to fit your aesthetic goals and give you optimal results. The different choices are presented below:
Mini Abdominoplasty
This ideal for people who have always been in good shape but have some general isolated laxity and diet resistant specific fat of the lower abdominal area. A single incision is usually made just above the pubic area. The incision is relatively short and partially crosses the lower abdomen at the pubic hairline. In contrast to all other tummy tuck procedures there is no incision around the tummy button (umbilicus). The umbilicus is either left attached to the abdominal wall or “floated” which means that it detached and may be slightly lowered as the excess lower abdominal skin and fat is removed. A mini tummy tuck, when needed, will often include liposuction as well as tightening of the muscles.
Full Abdominoplasty
This is the most common and versatile abdominal rejuvenation procedure and is designed to remove excess skin and fat from above the navel to the pubic area. Incisions are made partially across the lower abdomen just above pubic hairline and around the navel (umbilicus). The excess skin and fat are removed, and the separated stomach muscles are tightened from the breast bone to the pubic bone. Liposuction is used to help contour the abdomen and flank areas. The remaking abdominal skin is stretched tightly. This is commonly used for abdominal refinement.
Extended Abdominoplasty
If you have significant excess skin and fat around the hips and love handles area, this type of abdominoplasty can address that concern. This technique is similar to a full/ standard abdominoplasty but in addition removes skin and fat over the frontal hip area and tightens the layers above the hips in the deeper tissue to support the additional resected excess skin and fat tissue.
Fleur de Lis Abdominoplasty
This type of abdominoplasty is most often used for patients with significant weight loss or those with significant excess horizontal-mid and upper abdominal fat and skin. A fleur de lis abdominoplasty is an extended abdominoplasty with an added vertical component incision allowing direct removal of excess tissue, fat, and skin in the central and upper abdomen. Therefore, there is a resultant vertical scar. However, this vertical scar is considered a small trade off in lieu of getting permanently rid of the significant accumulation of upper, mid, and lower abdominal fat rolls and the redundant loose skin.
Reverse Abdominoplasty
This option is infrequently used but for the needed indication of isolated upper abdominal excess fat and loose skin. The incision is made in the breast crease and the excess skin and fat is pulled up and resected.
Abdominoplasty (“Tummy Tuck”) – Body Contouring
Abdominoplasty (“Tummy Tuck”) – Body Contouring Goal The abdominoplasty procedure is designed to contour the abdomen by: 1. Removing excess skin and fat. 2. Reestablishing the position of the rectus abdominis muscles (or abs). 3. Contouring the diet-resistant fat accumulation of the flanks (when needed) using liposuction. Unfortunately, diet and exercise often cannot restore the […]
READ FULL BLOG POSTTummy Tuck Recovery
Dr. Hardesty will provide you with a list of pre-operative and post-operative instructions to follow for the procedure. The recovery period usually lasts four to seven days before returning to normal daily activities. A non-narcotic pain pump (constant installation of local anesthesia for the first 3 days after surgery) is included with all tummy tucks. This not only reduces pain but reduce the need for pain pills after surgery. During this time, you will walk in the bent over position and sleep in a “lawn chair” position. Usually, most patients return to non-strenuous work in 10-14 days. Progressive activity begins and by 6 weeks, there are no restrictions to returning to full exercise. A special and scientific proven anti-scar program is instituted after the incisions are healed consisting of Embrace technology and silicone gel strips. Tummy tuck surgery results are usually quite flattering and will last for many years.
Tummy Tuck Frequently Asked Questions
Schedule Your Consultation
Are you interested in finding out more about a Tummy Tuck? Contact our Riverside office today for more information. Dr. Hardesty and his team want to help you get the stomach you’ve always desired. To make a consultation appointment call the office, take our self-assessment survery, or fill out an online form, our team will be in touch. Click Here
What is the cost?
At Imagine Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety a different procedures that all vary in prices. We strive in being transparent to all potential patients and being up front with how much our services may cost. For more information regarding the costs and prices, visit our plastic surgery prices page!
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